

In 2017 my year eight high school teacher was describing how easy it would be to change the world if we all did something good for others. This inspired me to go online and search for ways I could make a difference. I came across a website that suggested ways a person...


Beverly May and her staff are devoted and compassionate professionals within their field. Their attention to details and knowledge of their industry are such critical components to the service they provide for their customers. My journey with Beverly May and her staff...


I would like to thank Beverly and her team for there professionalism and understanding when I went in to see them for their advice. I was very nervous on my first visit, but was made to feel comfortable straight away with there professional and caring manner. Thank...


Thank you Melina and Crew at Beverly May Hair. You have given me back my confidence. Suffering with badly damaged very fine hair, I found myself unable to do anything with it. I felt embarrassed and depressed, not wanting to go out because my hair was so brittle and...


Ever since receiving a diagnosis of Lichen panopillaris, an auto-immune disease causing slow, but permanent hair loss. I have been dreading the day that I would need to wear a wig. I found great difficulty accepting that the time had arrived, but I feel fortunate to...